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130 - Mirah - Gotta Go Home(Dj闽仔 FunkyHouse Mix)

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I walked into the room

And I saw you standing there

There's like I'm here by a storm

I think you've been spinned around

I am lost in paradise

Dreamin when I'd close my eyes

You give me such a look

And now you got me on the hook

We gotta go home tonight

With you by my side baby

Gotta go home tonight

Tonight is the night

Gotta go home tonight

Are you ready to rock steady

Gotta go home tonight

Tonight is my night

As the feeling goes by

We are standing side by side

And when it's time to break up

We still haven't got enough

I am lost in paradise

Dreamin when I'd close my eyes

You give me such a look

And now you got me on the hook

Gotta go home tonight

With you by my side baby

Gotta go home tonight

Tonight is the night like lovers do

Gotta go home tonight

Are you ready to rock steady

Gotta go home tonight

Tonight is my night

Gotta go home tonight with you by my side baby

Gotta go home tonight

Tonight is the night like lovers do

Gotta go home tonight

Are you ready to rock steady

Gotta go home tonight

Tonight is my night

Gotta go home tonight with you by my side

There is nothing in this world I wouldn´t do

That look in your eyes

Don´t say a word ´cause I know

I gotta go home with you

Gotta go home tonight

With you by my side baby

Gotta go home tonight

Tonight is the night like lovers do

Gotta go home tonight

Are you ready to rock steady

Gotta go home tonight

Tonight is my night

Gotta go home with you

Gotta go home tonight

With you by my side baby

Gotta go home tonight

Tonight is the night like lovers do

Gotta go home tonight

Are you ready to rock steady

Gotta go home tonight

Tonight is my night

Gotta go home tonight

With you by my side baby

Gotta go home tonight

Tonight is the night

Gotta go home tonight

Are you ready to rock steady

Gotta go home tonight

Tonight is my night

本首舞曲【 130 - Mirah - Gotta Go Home(Dj闽仔 FunkyHouse Mix)】是由冰淇淋(2022-8-25)上传。

本首舞曲由音乐人 独立制作,如果喜欢本舞曲,请关注音乐人


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参与人数1 时间 金币 留言
 小熊 2022-08-25 01:12:01 20 谢谢分享!

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